Marijosé Terán

Costa Rica, 1971. Studied Fine Arts, with emphasis in painting in the University of Costa
Her first individual exhibition was in 1992. From that time on she has had several individual and collective exhibitions in Costa Rica and abroad.
For her, painting is a mean of expression, of communication. To achieve that objective she goes to a figurative painting, being the human figure one of her preferred subjects, more specifically women. She is also interested in still life and flowers, where light ands shadows are protagonists.
She uses mixed media, collage, graphite, oil, enamels, on canvass. Creating layers that unite and mix to achieve unity.

Un salto de fe
65cm x 47cm
Mixed media
€ 1.980,-

Academic Experience

Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, with emphasis in Painting, University of Costa Rica.

Individual Exhibits

2012: Mural Manos a la Obra (Act Now), Hogares de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica
- Mural El Secreto (The Secret), Andiamolá Restaurant, Santa Ana, Costa Rica.
2008: “Pinturas” (Paintings) Joaquín García Monge Gallery, San José, Costa RicaRecuerdos del Pasado” (Memories of the Past), Valanti Gallery, Los Sueños, Herradura, Costa Rica.
2007: “Patrones de Conducta” (Behavior Patterns), Dejair Gallery, San José, Costa Rica.
2006: “Evasión” (Evasion), National Gallery, Costa Rican Science and Culture Center, San José, Costa Rica.
2005: “Obra Reciente” (Recent Work), Inter-American Development Bank, Washington,DC, USA.
- Pasados Silencios” (Past Silences), Kandinsky Gallery, San José, Costa Rica.
- Serena Nostalgia” (Serene Nostalgia), Costa Rican Embassy, Washington, DC, USA.
- Variaciones para un Tema” (Variations on a Theme), Casa de la Ciudad, Cartago, Costa Rica.

Colective Exhibits

2017: Salón Chile, National Gallery, Children’s Museum, San Jose, Costa Rica.
2013: Homenaje a las Madres (Homage to Mothers), Artcafe, Costa Rica Country Club, San José, Costa Rica.
Los Angeles Art Fair, Los Angeles Convention Center, California, USA.
2012: Subasta Sumarte, El Salvador, Salvador.
2011: “Colectiva Mujeres” (Women’s Collective) , Artcafe, Costa Rica Country Club, San José, Costa Rica.
2010: “Valoarte IXna Edición”, La Aduana, San José, Costa Rica.
2009: “Marijose Terán y Angel Lara”, Artcafe, Costa Rica Country Club, San José, Costa Rica.
FIA”, Hotel Tamanaco, Caracas, Venezuela.
2008: “Valoarte VIta Edición”, National Gallery, Costa Rican Science and Culture Center, San José, Costa Rica.
2007: “Valoarte Vta Edición”, National Gallery, Costa Rican Science and Culture Center, San José, Costa Rica.
- I Bienal De Pintura Del ICE Jorge Manuel Obregón Dengo ”.
- Museo Histórico del ICE, San José, Costa Rica.
- Arte Erótico” (Erotic Art), Medrano Art Gallery, San José, Costa Rica.
- Obra Reciente” (Recent Work), Museo Histórico Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, San José, Costa Rica.
- Retorno” (The Return), Casa de la Cultura Popular José Figueres Ferrer, San José, Costa Rica
- Transiciones” (Transitions), Teatro Fanal, formerly Fábrica de Licores, San José, Costa Rica.
- Contest “El Café y el Teatro: Nuestras Raíces y la Cultura” (Coffee and The Theatre: Our Roots and Culture), - National Theatre, San José, Costa Rica.
- Gea: de silencios y rupturas” (Gea: of Silences and Ruptures), Casa de la Cultura Popular José Figures Ferrer, San José, Costa Rica.
1995: “Instantes” (Instants), Museo Histórico Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, San José, Costa Rica.
- Homenaje a la Acuarela Costarricense” (Homage to Costa Rican Watercolor Art), Pfizer Award, Museo de los Niños, San José, Costa Rica.

2007: First Place, “I Bienal De Pintura Del ICE Jorge Manuel Obregón Dengo ”. Museo Histórico del ICE, San José, Costa Rica.

1997: Second Place,“El Café y el Teatro: Nuestras Raíces y la Cultura”, National Theater, San José, Costa Rica.

Third Place, “Certamen Estudiantil de Ambiente Universitario”,” Fine Arts Gallery, University of Costa Rica, San José.